March 12, 2025

Now more than ever, we need to organise to kick #ApartheidOffCampus

Many British universities are deeply complicit in Israel’s current bombardment of the Palestinian people, its ongoing occupation and apartheid, through:

1) Investments in companies complicit in the oppression of Palestine
2) Institutional ties with complicit institutions and companies

Join the campaign for British universities to kick apartheid off campus.

Israeli Apartheid Week is an international call to action from the Palestinian BDS National Committee. It’s a mobilisation of grassroots solidarity organisations to raise awareness about Israeli apartheid and to organise support for strategic BDS campaigns to end international complicity in Israel’s system of oppression. 

This year more than ever we must take action on the Palestinian call for BDS and ensure that we organise targeted campaigns to kick apartheid off campus once and for all.

As students we say no more: no more university complicity in genocide; no more funding for apartheid; and no more investment in settler colonialism.

Join us for our National Student Days of Action on the 21st and 22nd March. We’re taking action – holding walk-outs, sit-ins, occupations and more – to demand that our universities end their complicity in this massacre. 

Get involved:

  1. Organise a walk out, teach in or demonstration on the 21st or 22nd March to demand our universities end all complicity in Israel’s genocidal attacks – more resources linked here
  2. Join other students organising in your university e.g. the Palestine Society – join their actions on the 21st/22nd, head over to their next meeting, or message the group to find out more
  3. Do some research into your university’s complicity, and start a campaign to demand they divest from all complicit companies (check out our University Complicity Database for more information)
  4. Show your support for the students currently in occupation at UCL, Goldsmiths, Leeds, Bristol, and hopefully more! Follow them on social media, share their demands, and get involved.

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